The ground shook as excited students danced and sang along in the middle of class time.
Our new principal, Mr. Dunphy is involved in all sorts of fun activities, including awarding students who have proven themselves.
“It feels great getting something for doing something good,” freshman Andres Romo said.
In November, Mr. Dunphy held a concert during school hours, something that has yet to be heard of from other schools in the area. He has also done dress-up theme weeks and let us bring pajamas and stuffed animals. But most of these activities are only a privilege to students who come to school and have limited tardies.
“It’s blown my mind how you guys will rush to class to avoid tardies and and you come to school every day just to wear pajamas,” journalism teacher Ms.Hahnl said.
Students have noticed Mr. Dunphy’s efforts to connect with them and push them to make good choices. Some students even think this year has been even more fun than previous years.
“This year feels a lot more positive than last year,” junior Natalie Sandoval said.