Stress and anxiety is a common struggle amongst high schoolers, especially when it comes to tests. During these times, panic is at an all time high.
“When I’m nervous and have anxiety about a test, I can’t concentrate, and I end up getting wrong answers.” junior Uyaiabasi Thomas said.
Studying and practicing for tests is the easiest way to ensure a higher grade, according to English teacher Ms. Coburn.
“It’s really hard to go into a test if you’re not prepared properly.” Coburn said.
A good part of getting ready for quizzes and tests is managing time for studying. Many students participate in organizations that take up time after school that could otherwise be used to prepare for classes.
“I plan out what I need to do, so even if I have an extracurricular activity, I can work based on that,” Thomas said.
Even if a student is sure they know the test materials, they still tend to worry.
“Whether or not I have anxiety over tests depends on the subject. When it comes to math or physics, then I’m definitely freaking out.” she said.
Teachers often offer encouragement to their anxious students.
“To calm students, we just make sure that they are able to take the test one question at a time, so they don’t get overwhelmed by it.” English teacher Mr. Keith said.
More important tests such as the SAT and exams freak out anxious students even more, but there are still are ways to prepare.
“I have been preparing for the SAT since October. I mainly use Khan Academy and watch their videos before I need to take the test,” Thomas said.
Sometimes test anxiety gets the best of students in the middle of their assessment. In that case, there’s helpful ways to calm down and be able to finish.
“Get a drink, take deep breaths, put your head down, take an overall mental break,” Keith said.
One way to get through a test is to remember that once it’s been completed, it’s not something that needs to be worried about anymore.
“Usually before taking a test, I feel really nervous. But after it’s over I’m always relieved because it’s done,” Thomas said.