Mums The Word
November 8, 2018

While most may think of a flower when “mum” is mentioned, for Texas teens, it’s a time to show off your biggest and best homecoming corsage. The term mum came from the 1980’s for a fundraiser for a college fraternity. It went from colleges and invaded today’s southwestern high schools.
Personally, I didn’t know that they even existed being that I am a Californian native. I came to Texas around November of 2018 and when I saw these mum’s, my first reaction was shock. Puzzled as to what these huge decorative items were, a teacher told me that having mum’s was only a Texas thing.
Now that I am a senior, I received my very first and last mum for homecoming 2019. My mum was all white with maroon, highlighted with different strings and ribbons on my mum. Each of the strings on my mum represent something. Each year the mum’s get bigger and bigger, but all of them are amazing and beautiful.