Moved By Music

May 10, 2021
Music is something special to many people and can be used as a way to relieve themselves of stress, but everyone has a different taste in music which makes music universal.
Students that are stressed over homework and tests can use music as a way to calm down and relax.
“Music is very calming during tough situations,” freshman Nelia James said.
Everyone is unique and has their own personal likes and dislikes. The different genres can be used to discover personal favorites.
“Growing up I’ve pretty much always listened to pop or throwbacks, but I’d say that now I listen to more of a variety of music and definitely more rap, especially since it gets me hyped for my basketball games,” sophomore Jess Tan said.
People don’t just have unique music interests compared to others, but also to their younger selves.
“I grew up exposed to country and classic rock by my parents, especially the Westlife band. I still love their songs, junior Trihn Le said. “As a teen I listened to R&B, Pop, Classic songs. Three years ago, I hated people listening to rap music, which was a crazy kind of song. By the time I was 17, I started trying to listen to random Drake songs, it changed my mind. Now, almost 18, I am totally obsessed with rap songs.”
Music means something different to everyone and music taste can be used to reflect that meaning which is why various people like different genres of music.