Fire Alarm Frenzy

Vivian Huynhcong, Staff Writer

Fire alarms are ringing. Students and staff rush outside due to another fire alarm being activated for the second time in one week.

This led to a lot of mixed emotions about what caused the incident.

“I think people were vaping in the restroom again, from what I heard,” sophomore Caitlynn Mo said.

With every unplanned fire drill, students are left wondering what are the consequences.

​¨​It will vary depending on the situation,” Assistant Principal Mr. Staats said. “It could be anything from a parent/student conversation up to an arrest.”

While students were waiting outside in their groups, many were vocal about how they felt during the shenanigans.

“I hate it. I just needed to use the restroom and now I can’t. I’m kinda mad. I really need to use a restroom,” senior Christian Ruiz said.

On the flip side, students somewhat enjoyed being able to stand outside.

“I actually like being outside, well not with this weather since it’s really hot but yeah,” senior Diego Acosta Mota said.

Slowly as students and faculty members all swarm back into the school, we can assume there’s going to be more fire alarms to come, but not all of them will ring for the reasons we thought they would.