AC problems

Charles Lassiter, Staff Writer

During the final weeks of school a storm knocked out the building’s AC making some of the final days of school a far less enjoyable experience. It goes without saying that AC, especially in Texas, is a necessary element for a stable working environment which makes the loss of it all the worse. 

Students who needed to be working on assignments and studying for tests were distracted by the uncomfortable environment. “It’s horrible, too hot and I feel hot and cold at the same time,” said freshman Lea ramirez. On top of that teachers were expected to continue teaching and grading assignments during this time which is an already difficult task only made worse by the current circumstances.

Luckily this only lasted for two days, however it still had lasting negative effects on students. The loss of a stable working environment led to many losing focus on their work, and having their expectation of school disrupted. Existing school policies also made it harder for some to adapt.  “It’s exhausting, because you have to wear something longer to dress in dress code and then you’re sweating,” said Senior Liana Lopez.

In general the two days without AC the school experienced was an unfortunate period during some of the final days of school. Teachers were made to work on final and test grades in hot uncomfortable rooms which needless to say was particularly frustrating as this was during the end of the year. And students didn’t have time to adjust to any of the changes that occurred overnight. “It’s unusual and I don’t  like it. It’s hot outside and you were preparing yourself to have a cool temperature inside school” said sophomore Aritz Romero. But now with our AC back and the bad memories behind us we can finish the year with a positive attitude.