Students vs COVID

Madison Bruton and Josh Willams, Staff writers

Everyone reacts to something new and unfamiliar in their own way. Like adjusting to school. Coming back from the summer with everyone being on campus and having new safety procedures could take some getting used to.

“I was really nervous and scared to see people that I knew since I haven’t seen them since the 8th grade,” sophomore Blair Bruton said.

COVID procedures and precautions might feel unwanted but could make others feel safe and protected.

“I don’t really feel that protected cause not everyone is wearing a mask or social distancing,” Bruton said

Protective coverings may help fight the spread of the virus, but ultimately it’s a personal decision.

“I respect people who wear masks, like I have nothing against it. It’s their opinion,” April Biggie said.

How are you adjusting to the new procedures for staying safe from COVID? Whatever the case may be – stay clean, stay safe, no coughing, wash those hands!